Thursday 29 August 2013

10 Sex Moves She Craves

More than 1,000 women took a poll and confessed the top things they wish guys would do in bed. Behold, the 10 most popular, ranked in order. To make sure you satisfy her desires, we included tips on exactly how to pull off every last move...right down to number one.

 10. Give her breasts more attention
Lots of guys pamper a woman's breasts during foreplay but forget about them during the main event, which is a shame because the extra stimulation can lead to a bigger orgasm for her. Plus, it's important to pay attention to more than just her nipples, since her entire breast is packed with nerves, especially the underside. When she's on top, use your fingertips to draw wide, slow circles, starting around the perimeter of one breast and spiraling in until you're just about at her nipple. Then use your hand to cup and lift the underside of her breast, and lick around her nipple before covering it entirely with your mouth and sucking gently.
9. Give her a G-Spot orgasm
This much-talked-about area is located about 2 inches inside her vaginal canal on the front wall. Some docs say it's spongy and the size of a dime, but it can be hard to feel, so just stimulate that general area during sex and you may give her a more intense orgasm. To hit it with your penis, try modified doggie-style. Instead of having her keep her arms straight with her palms on the bed, ask her to lower herself onto her elbows. Holding her hips for balance, thrust slowly at first and then up the intensity. With each stroke, your penis will rub against the front wall of her vagina, stimulating that special spot. 

8. Surprise her with a quickie
When you jump her out of the blue, it makes her feel like she's so irresistible that you simply can't wait to have her. Right when she gets home, pull her in for a deep kiss to get her going. Relieve her of any bags she's carrying and lead her to the couch, bed, or kitchen table, where you will have already stashed a bottle of lube nearby. Don't totally undress her; just lift up her skirt or pull down her pants. Then use your lubed fingers to massage her clitoris while whispering how hot she is in her ear. The more aroused you are, the faster she'll get into it. (Of course, there will be times when she's not game. If that happens, let it go and try another night.)
7. Gently pull her hair
There are thousands of nerves in the scalp, and when she's aroused, they're more sensitive, so pulling on her tresses feels extra stimulating. But there's a catch: If you do it while you're having sex with her from behind, it'll make her feel like you're treating her like a hooker. Instead, while she's on top, run your hand through her hair, grab a handful of strands close to her scalp, and give it a little pull. This works especially well when you're having intense, passionate sex, because grabbing her anywhere, especially somewhere sensitive, adds to the feeling that she's being ravished.
6. Talk dirty to her
Women are verbal creaturesand our love of words extends to the bedroom. Unfortunately, most of what you may have heard guys say in porn is all wrong (Ask "Who's your daddy" and you just might get a slap across the face). What your partner does want to hear are phrases that let her know how turned on you are, how much you love her body, and how good you want to make her feel (see this month's CFG Sex Map for more tips). And even more important than what you say is the way you say it—when she can hear the burning lust in your voice, her thighs pretty much catch on fire.
5. Nibble on her neck
The skin that stretches from underneath her ear to her collarbone is very thin, making it supersensitive to touch. Start out by using your tongue to lick from her ear down to where her neck and shoulders meet. Then blow along the trail you just left. The warmth of your tongue coupled with the coolness of your breath will shoot tingles all over her body. After that, get a little more aggressive, and lightly nip the bottom of her neck (the skin is slightly thicker here and can take more pressure). You should suck on her neck too, but for just a second and not hard enough to leave a markhickeys are so high school.

4. Bring her to climax with oral
A luxurious oral-sex session allows her to kick back and enjoy being spoiled. (Sound familiar?) But different techniques may feel more or less pleasurable to her on different days. To figure out what's going to work best for her each time, be sure to use a variety of moves. Try licking softly, sucking, and using a firm, pointed tongue and then a wide, soft one, and take note of which she responds to the most enthusiastically. When you sense that she's about to orgasm—her body will tense up and she'll start breathing more quickly—go back to the move that elicited the biggest moans, and continue doing it until she climaxes.
3. Touch her hot spot midaction
Most women can't orgasm during intercourse without clitoral stimulation, which is probably why so many want more of it! Whenever your hand can reach her clitoris (girl-on-top and spooning from behind are two great positions for access), you should rub her hot spot. Your touches should be slow and soft in the beginning, progressing to harder and quicker. When it comes to technique, every woman is different, so you have to experiment: Try one finger pressed directly on her clitoris, three fingers over the entire area, or the heel of your hand on her pubic mound—her moans will tell you when you have it right.
2. Kiss her during sex
If you're like most guys, once intercourse starts, you probably stop kissing her. That's a bad move, since kissing makes sex feel more intimate for her, which is crucial to female pleasure. Pick a position that allows you to be face-to-face, like missionary, or have her sit on your lap, then mix up your smooches so they mirror the mood of the sex you're having. If you're going at it like gangbusters, pull her in for a deep, tongue-filled kiss—try sucking on her bottom lip and pressing your lips firmly against hers. When things are slow and romantic, go with a more sensual kiss.
1. Be more aggressive
The number one thing women want is for you to be more aggressive in bed. That means handling her body with strength and confidence, which can be insanely erotic for her. And it doesn't require a lot of work or advanced skills on your part. In fact, doing just one take-charge thing can spike her arousal level. A few to try: In missionary, take her wrists and hold them above her head, pinned to the mattress. When she's on top, hold her hips and push/pull them back and forth, so her clitoris grinds against your pubic bone. And when you want to change positions, don't do it slowly or politely—grab her and put her where you want her.

Sunday 25 August 2013

Top 10 Qualities Men Are Secretly Looking for In Women

What makes the perfect girlfriend?
Contrary to what you might think, most guys aren't looking for a supermodel. They're just looking for their perfect match: a woman who's down-to-earth, sweet and sensitive to his needs.

Here are ten attractive traits that every man keeps in mind when deciding if the woman (i.e. you) sitting across the dinner table from him at that first date is girlfriend material.

1. Confidence
Take it from the guys, nothing is sexier than a woman who's comfortable in her own skin. If you're guilty of meekly asking lines like: "Does this skirt make my thighs look fat?" …stop asking. If you're constantly needing his reassurance that you're beautiful, he may start asking questions himself.

2. Intelligence
Acting like a bimbo loses its novelty to men after high school. What men want in a girlfriend is a woman who can stand as his equal. So be the smart, savvy woman you are! To him, it's a total turn-on.

3. Unmaterialistic
Yes, he wants to be your knight in shining armor. And yes, he wants to treat you like the princess you are … but that doesn't give you license to act like one. Allow him the luxury of treating you with romantic dinners and surprise baubles without having to demand them of him. He'll be relieved that he doesn't have to try so hard and surprisingly, this will inspire him to rise to the occasion when he doesn't have to dedicate his whole paycheck to lavish tokens of his love for you.

4. Spontaneity
One of the first things to go in a relationship is the spontaneity. You get stuck in your Friday night dinner dates and you lose that spark you had when you first started dating each other. Don't lose it! Men love a woman who can do things spur-of-the-moment.

5. Laid-Back
What's one of the best things you can do for your relationship with him? Relax. Just relax. When you come home from a long, hard day at work and see those dishes piling up in the sink, we know you have the urge to lash out at him. Instead, try to let it go for the night. No man likes a nag and every man likes a woman who can let her hair down and doesn't sweat the small stuff. We're not saying to just kick back and bro out with him, but a relationship is solid when you're able to relax with each other.

6. Playfulness
Guys like a girl who laugh at their jokes, but isn't mindless and isn't always serious about everything. Just as we mentioned that men like a woman who can forgo nagging him about the dishes, they like a woman who can joke about the dishes too. Biting remarks and snappy comebacks are just the witty repartee to keep the spark between you in your relationship. And hey, isn't laughter the best aphrodisiac?

7. Sensuality
We've already mentioned before that it's not all about your looks (albeit, that's a good motivator for some men) — it's more about an air of sexiness and confidence that will draw his eyes to you when you enter the room. Embrace your femininity. Ditch the sweatpants for date night and take the extra ten minutes to pull the LBD from the back of your closet. You shouldn't feel pressured to strut around the bedroom in lingerie and high heels like a Victoria's Secret angel every night, but you should feel comfortable in your own sexuality…and expressing that sensually to your man.

8. Honesty
If he can't trust you — how can he ever see you as his girlfriend … and eventual spouse? Keep things open and honest in your relationship. A little white lie over flirty texts with an old guy friend from college can spiral out of control very quickly into a full-blown fight … and breakup.

9. Independence
Dating a driven, passionate woman? So hot. Babysitting a stage five clinger? Not so much. No man wants a girlfriend they have to reassuringly text, call or visit every five minutes. Give him his poker night with the boys. Let him go golfing on a weekend. Learn to give your guy his space — or he may break up with you to get it.

10. Supportive
As clichéd as it is, some men want to be caretakers … but even the strongest of men want a soft place to fall. He wants to know that you'll support him and stand by him in his life choices, whether it's changing careers or moving to a new city. Show your support in small gestures with a quick "I love you" text when he heads off for his morning commute and listen to him after a hard day's work. Be supportive — but not suffocating. The last thing you want is to remind him too much of his mother.

Saturday 10 August 2013

Five easy ways to please your man

We know you wanna make your guy happy as much as you can, so we got experts to dish advice on how you can please your man.
These tips are so simple, you'll be able to execute ASAP and soon your dude will be calling you the best girlfriend ever.

Leave Him Alone
Not all the time. But when he first comes home from work, or when he's really stressed out about something, sometimes what a guy wants most is to be quiet and by himself for a little while. When a guy's lady recognizes this and gives him that space, he notices and is grateful.

Let Him Be in Charge
Let's face it. Guys like to feel like they're in control. Try letting go of your need to be right (even when you probably are). Sometimes you just need to let him pick the route, the restaurant, or the movie without interjecting your "better" idea. This will make him feel like he's in charge and that you trust him.

Give Him A Sexy Surprise
Maybe putting on lingerie isn't your thing. No sweat, guys don't need that all the time. But try going outside your comfort zone every now and then. Meet him out for a drink in an especially little LBD, or surprise him with some sexy underwear. He'll know you're doing it just for him.

Lend Him an Ear
It's tempting to take control when your dude is in a rut, but pause for a second. Try not to solve his problem or tell him how you would do it if you were in his shoes. Let him talk, listen, and be supportive. Jumping in to fix rips his masculinity away, and puts you, instead, in that role. What he wants is some feminine nurturing, so listen, give him a hug, and let him vent.

Make It Clear You Want Him
You don't need to be overtly sexual to let your guy know you want him right then and there. Try subtle things like momentarily slipping your hand into his crotch during the drive home, or at a movie, or under the table at dinner. Him knowing how sexually attracted you are to him will please him like no oth