Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Spring Cleaning for Your Lingerie Drawer

We all know about spring cleaning. It's that time of year as the snow melts and the flowers come back in bloom where people everywhere seem to decide that they need to clean up their homes and lives in order to start fresh with the new season. Some of us clean out our garages and our cupboards, dusting the tops of our ceiling fans and under the bed, and some of us take a different route: cleaning out our lingerie drawers.
If you're one of us who does the latter, then you're a lingerie addict.
 Being a lingerie addict isn't necessarily a bad thing, though -- I mean, there's a lot of worse problems to have, right?
Aloe Bra

When it comes to spring cleaning, the first thing I do is sort through all the lingerie that I've accumulated throughout my adulthood. We all have those pieces pushed far to the back of the drawer, the ones you haven't worn in years and have no idea when you'd ever wear again, but that we keep around because they were once attached to a fairly expensive price tag.

The first step to lingerie spring cleaning is getting over the fact that you once spent a lot of money on this stuff. The fact is, if you don't wear it, you don't need to be keeping it. And if you're still under this delusion that someday you'll want to wear it again -- stop. You're not going to. It's time to accept that and move on with our lingerie lives.

 Once you sort through your lingerie and organize the pieces you're going to be keeping, the logical next step is to fill your drawer back up with a few new pieces that will liven up your looks for the new year! This Spring I'm feeling bright colors, pastels, unique prints, and definitely FLORALS! Maybe I'll even buy something metallic -- because, hey, you only live once.
Suerte Bra

 If you're looking for the hottest new lingerie for Spring, look no further than Nya Lingerie

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